Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 7, 2019

190712-15 #2 Revival & RAS LV


Im back after such a wonderful weekend spent in Tokyo and all I did was yelling about girls ;;;;;v;;;;;

So this time I finally got the chance to attend #2 Revival at Maihama Amphitheater ;o;

I had been planning this trip since last year and finally it came true and it was so worth it ;;;o;;;

So my schedule for this trip was like this:
- Fri 12/07 => Shonichi for #2
- Sat 13/07 => Noon Show + Gekimeshi talk event (Misato as guest)
- Sun 14/07 => Joseigentei + RAS LV + Intl Fans' offkai
- Mon 15/07 => Senshuuraku LV

And lemme tell you one thing.

My brain only has 2 brain cells left.

And they are screaming JUNNANANA and SUZUMAHI at each other.

I can't....

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 7, 2019

190706 Misato's Acoustic Live Repo


It's me again with my gay meltdown OTL

So last weekend I went to Tokyo (again) for Misato's acoustic live

That was an unexpected trip, unlike the other 2 upcoming trips I have for July, which were for #2 Revival and D4DJ

Mst announced this live when it was 12am and as soon as I saw my twitter notification came up I was like I N E E D T O G O

And yes, spent 2man for transportation while the live itself is only 3sen lol

Talk about being blinded by lov- ;;

Anw this time I went to the event as a member of MISA w



We also prepared a small flower basket for her >w<

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 6, 2019

190322 - Gekimeshi 1100 & 2030


It's me, just returned from heaven.

So last Sat i got to attend June's Gekimeshi, both shows.

And i D I E D a happy death. I feel like I really hit the jackpot this time lol Initially I planned to go for the shows on 29 and 30 June but SOMEHOW something made me change my mind and I AM SO GLAD I DID LOL

I feel like this aint gonna be a repo, but more like just me screaming about how gay i was and how angelic Misato was ;v;

This is the venue for the play this time >w<)/

Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 5, 2019

190526 Yagakimi Seiyuu Event - Noon Session


It's me again, back with another report for YET another event w

This time's event is the seiyuu event for Yagakimi anime 'v' I won the chuusen last year and after more than 6 months of waiting the time finally came ;v;


I wish i could attend both sessions but it couldnt be helped :'(

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 5, 2019

190503 - 190512 Yagakimi Stage Play Report


If you followed my twitter you would have known that I just came back from my Golden Week trip, which included watching the yagakimi butai for 6 times =))

So now it's time for me to sit down and type them all down before i forget any important point w

Obviously there will be spoilers, and also a lot of gay yelling/rambling/crying/screaming so advance at your own risk w

Report under the cut w

Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 3, 2019

190331 Starry Konzert / Noon Session Repo


It's been awhile since the last time I updated this blog w

I'm just gonna post this repo/review/whatsoever here so that I can re-read it in the future 'v')/ since it's easier to keep track of them here than twitter/tumblr imo

Anyway, I got the chance to attended the Noon session of Starry Konzert today. Initially I didn't plan to go, since it was gonna be only the 4th day since my arrival to Japan. However, upon hearing the girls gonna perform alongside an orchestra, I was like YES I WOULD LIKE TO GO AT ALL COST. I didnt win any tix and couldnt find any tix on twitter, so to the 2nd hand tix websites I went, which resulted in me paying 3 times the price of the normal tix L O L

More under the cut ;v;b